US Recognizes Edmundo González As Venezuela's Presidential Election Winner

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CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — The stakes grew higher for Venezuela’s electoral authority to show impervious backing its determination to state President Nicolás Maduro nan victor of nan country’s statesmanlike predetermination aft nan United States connected Thursday recognized guidance campaigner Edmundo González arsenic nan victor, discrediting nan charismatic results of nan highly anticipated vote.

The U.S. Department of State announcement followed calls from aggregate governments, including adjacent friends of Maduro, for Venezuela’s National Electoral Council to merchandise elaborate ballot counts, arsenic it has done during erstwhile elections.

The electoral assemblage declared Maduro nan victor Monday, but nan main guidance conjugation revealed hours later that it had grounds to nan contrary successful nan shape of much than two-thirds of the tally sheets that each physics voting instrumentality printed aft polls closed.

“Given nan overwhelming evidence, it is clear to nan United States and, astir importantly, to nan Venezuelan group that Edmundo González Urrutia won nan astir votes successful Venezuela’s July 28 statesmanlike election,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said successful a statement.

The U.S. authorities announcement came amid negotiated efforts to seduce Maduro to merchandise vote tallies from nan election and expanding calls for an independent reappraisal of nan results, according to officials from Brazil and México.

Government officials from Brazil, Colombia and Mexico person been successful changeless connection pinch Maduro’s management to person him that he must show nan ballot tally sheets from Sunday’s predetermination and let impartial verification, a Brazilian authorities charismatic told The Associated Press Thursday.

The officials person told Venezuela’s authorities that showing nan information is nan only measurement to dispel immoderate uncertainty astir nan results, said nan Brazilian official, who was not authorized to speak publically astir nan negotiated efforts and requested anonymity.

A Mexican official, who besides said connected information of anonymity for nan aforesaid reason, confirmed nan 3 governments person been discussing nan rumor pinch Venezuela but did not supply details.

Earlier, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he planned to speak pinch President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil and President Gustavo Petro of Colombia, and that his authorities believes it is important that nan electoral tallies beryllium made public.

Later Thursday, nan governments of Brazil, Colombia and Mexico issued a associated connection calling connected Venezuela’s electoral authorities “to move guardant expeditiously and publically release” elaborate voting data, but they did not corroborate immoderate backroom negotiated efforts to seduce Maduro’s authorities to people nan ballot tallies.

“The basal rule of celebrated sovereignty must beryllium respected done impartial verification of nan results,” they said successful nan statement.

On Monday, aft nan National Electoral Council declared Maduro nan victor of nan election, thousands of guidance supporters took to nan streets. The authorities said it arrested hundreds of protesters and Venezuela-based quality authorities statement Foro Penal said 11 group were killed. Dozens much were arrested nan pursuing day, including a erstwhile guidance candidate, Freddy Superlano.

Opposition leader Maria Corina M achado — who was barred from moving for president — and González addressed a immense rally of their supporters successful nan capital, Caracas, connected Tuesday, but they person not been seen successful nationalist since. Later that day, nan president of nan National Assembly, Jorge Rodriguez, called for their arrest, calling them criminals and fascists.

In an op-ed published Thursday successful nan Wall Street Journal, Machado said she is “hiding, fearing for my life, my freedom, and that of my chap countrymen.” She reasserted that nan guidance has beingness grounds that Maduro mislaid nan predetermination and urged nan world organization to intervene.

“We person voted Mr. Maduro out,” she wrote. “Now it is up to nan world organization to determine whether to tolerate a demonstrably illegitimate government.”

Government repression complete nan years has pushed guidance leaders into exile. After nan op-ed was published, Machado’s squad told nan AP that she was “sheltering.” Machado later posted a video connected societal media calling connected supporters to stitchery Saturday crossed nan country.

The González run had nary remark connected nan op-ed.

On Wednesday, Maduro asked Venezuela’s highest tribunal to behaviour an audit of nan election, but that petition drew almost contiguous disapproval from foreign observers who said nan tribunal is excessively adjacent to nan authorities to nutrient an independent review.

Venezuela’s Supreme Tribunal of Justice is intimately aligned pinch Maduro’s government. The court’s justices are nominated by national officials and ratified by nan National Assembly, which is dominated by Maduro sympathizers.

On Thursday, nan tribunal accepted Maduro’s petition for an audit and ordered him, González and nan 8 different candidates who participated successful nan statesmanlike predetermination to look earlier nan justices Friday.

González and Machado opportunity they obtained much than two-thirds of the tally sheets printed from physics voting instrumentality aft nan polls closed. They said nan merchandise of nan information connected those tallies would beryllium Maduro lost.

Asked why electoral authorities person not released elaborate ballot counts, Maduro said nan National Electoral Council has travel nether attack, including cyber-attacks, without elaborating.

The presidents of Colombia and Brazil — some adjacent friends of nan Venezuelan authorities — person urged Maduro to merchandise elaborate ballot counts.

The Brazilian charismatic said nan negotiated efforts are only intended to beforehand speech among Venezuelan stakeholders to discuss a solution to nan disputed election. The charismatic said this would see nan merchandise of voting information and allowing independent verification.

López Obrador said Mexico hopes nan will of Venezuela’s group will beryllium respected and that there’s nary violence. He added that Mexico expects “that nan evidence, nan electoral results records, beryllium presented.”

Pressure has been building connected nan president since nan election.

The National Electoral Council, which is loyal to Maduro’s United Socialist Party of Venezuela, has yet to merchandise immoderate results surgery down by voting machine, arsenic it did successful past elections. It did, however, study that Maduro received 5.1 cardinal votes, versus much than 4.4 cardinal for González. But Machado, nan guidance leader, has said ballot tallies show González received astir 6.2 cardinal votes compared pinch 2.7 cardinal for Maduro.

Venezuela has nan world’s largest proven crude reserves and erstwhile boasted Latin America’s astir precocious economy, but it entered into free autumn aft Maduro took nan helm successful 2013. Plummeting lipid prices, wide shortages and hyperinflation that soared past 130,000% led to social unrest and wide emigration.

More than 7.7 cardinal Venezuelans person near nan country since 2014, the largest exodus successful Latin America’s caller history.


Sá Pessoa reported from Sao Paulo. Associated Press analogous María Verza successful Mexico City contributed.