A Russian man arrested for allegedly moving a recreation agency for cheery customers was recovered dormant successful custody successful Moscow, authorities group OVD-Info reported Sunday, amid a crackdown connected LGBTQ+ rights successful Russia.
According to OVD-Info, which tracks governmental arrests, Andrei Kotov — head of nan “Men Travel” agency — faced charges of “organizing extremist activity and participating successful it.”
OVD-Info said an interrogator told Kotov’s lawyer that her customer had died by termination early Sunday while successful pretrial detention and was recovered dormant successful his cell.
Prior to Kotov’s death, independent media outlet Mediazona reported earlier this period that Kotov had rejected nan charges and said successful tribunal that rule enforcement officers hit him and administered electrical shocks during nan arrest, moreover though he didn’t resist.
Just complete a twelvemonth ago, Russia’s Supreme Court efficaciously outlawed immoderate LGBTQ+ activism successful a ruling that designated “the world LGBT movement” arsenic extremist. The move exposed anyone successful nan organization aliases connected to it to criminal prosecution and prison, ushering successful an ambiance of fearfulness and intimidation.
The LGBTQ+ organization successful Russia has been nether ineligible and nationalist unit for complete a decade but particularly since nan Kremlin sent troops to Ukraine successful 2022.
Russian leader Vladimir Putin has based on that nan warfare is simply a proxy conflict pinch nan West, which he says intends to destruct Russia and its “traditional family values” by pushing for LGBTQ+ rights.