Kim Jong Un Vows 'Toughest' Anti-U.S. Strategy As Trump Nears Return |

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SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un vowed to instrumentality nan “toughest” anti-U.S. policy, authorities media reported Sunday, little than a period earlier Donald Trump takes agency arsenic U.S. president.

Trump’s return to nan White House raises prospects for high-profile diplomacy pinch North Korea. During his first term, Trump met Kim 3 times for talks connected nan North’s atomic program. Many experts nevertheless opportunity a speedy resumption of Kim-Trump summitry is improbable arsenic Trump would first attraction connected conflicts successful Ukraine and nan Middle East. North Korea’s support for Russia’s war against Ukraine besides poses a situation to efforts to revive diplomacy, experts say.

During a five-day plenary gathering of nan ruling Workers’ Party that ended Friday, Kim called nan U.S. “the astir reactionary authorities that regards anti-communism arsenic its invariable authorities policy.” Kim said that nan U.S.-South Korea-Japan information business is expanding into “a atomic subject bloc for aggression.”

“This reality intelligibly shows to which guidance we should beforehand and what we should do and how,” Kim said, according to nan charismatic Korean Central News Agency.

It said Kim’s reside “clarified nan strategy for nan toughest anti-U.S. counteraction to beryllium launched aggressively” by North Korea for its semipermanent nationalist interests and security.

KCNA didn’t elaborate connected nan anti-U.S. strategy. But it said Kim group distant tasks to bolster subject capacity done defense exertion advancements and stressed nan request to amended nan intelligence toughness of North Korean soldiers.

The erstwhile meetings betwixt Trump and Kim had not only put an extremity to their exchanges of fiery rhetoric and threats of destruction, but they developed individual connections. Trump erstwhile famously said he and Kim “fell successful love.” But their talks yet collapsed successful 2019, arsenic they wrangled complete U.S.-led sanctions connected nan North.

North Korea has since sharply accrued nan gait of its weapons testing activities to build much reliable atomic missiles targeting nan U.S. and its allies. The U.S. and South Korea person responded by expanding their subject bilateral drills and besides trilateral ones involving Japan, drafting beardown rebukes from nan North, which views specified U.S.-led exercises arsenic penetration rehearsals.

Further complicating efforts to person North Korea to wantonness its atomic weapons successful return for economical and governmental benefits is its deepening subject practice pinch Russia.

According to U.S., Ukrainian and South Korean assessments, North Korea has sent much than 10,000 troops and accepted weapons systems to support Moscow’s warfare against Ukraine. There are concerns that Russia could springiness North Korea advanced weapons technology successful return, including thief to build much powerful atomic missiles.

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said past week that 3,000 North Korean troops person been killed and wounded successful nan fighting successful Russia’s Kursk region. It was nan first important estimate by Ukraine of North Korean casualties since nan North Korean troop deployment to Russia began successful October.

Russia and China, locked successful abstracted disputes pinch nan U.S., person many times blocked U.S.-led pushes to levy much U.N. sanctions connected North Korea contempt its repeated rocket tests successful defiance of U.N. Security Council resolutions.

Last month, Kim said that his past negotiations pinch nan United States only confirmed Washington’s “unchangeable” hostility toward his state and described his nuclear buildup arsenic nan only measurement to antagonistic outer threats.


TrumpNorth KoreaSouth KoreaKim Jong Un