The agency of U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer has condemned Elon Musk aft nan billionaire claimed “civil warfare is inevitable” successful Britain amid far-right riots.
The premier minister’s charismatic spokesperson said Monday that location was “no justification” for Musk’s remark aft he utilized his online level X, formally called Twitter, to measurement successful connected nan unit that has shaken nan state since past week.
“There’s nary justification for comments for illustration that, and what we’ve seen successful this state is organized forbidden thuggery, which has nary spot connected our streets aliases online,” the spokesperson said.
“We’re talking astir a number of thugs that do not speak for Britain, and successful consequence to it, we’ve seen immoderate of nan champion of our communities coming retired to cleanable up nan messiness and disruption.”
“You tin show from that nan premier curate doesn’t stock those sentiments,” he added.
Musk has intervened astatine slightest doubly since upset collapsed retired aft 3 girls were fatally stabbed successful Southport, northwest England, connected July 29.
Misinformation connected societal media complete nan personality of nan attacker has whipped up anti-immigrant sentiment.
Before nan outbreak of violence, long-standing anti-immigration campaigner Nigel Farage — who was elected to Parliament past period — speculated “whether nan truth is being withheld from us” astir nan onslaught and suggested it mightiness beryllium an enactment of terrorism.
On Saturday, Musk wrote “civil warfare is inevitable” successful consequence to a station sharing a video from nan Libs of TikTok’s X account, which depicted convulsive riots successful Liverpool, a metropolis adjacent Southport.
The video was primitively posted by British far-right activistic Tommy Robinson, whose suspended X relationship was restored by Musk past twelvemonth aft nan world’s richest man bought nan site.
On Monday, Musk responded to a video posted connected X by Starmer, who said nan authorities “will not tolerate attacks connected mosques aliases connected Muslim communities.”
“Shouldn’t you beryllium concerned astir attacks connected each communities?” Musk replied.
The National Police Chiefs’ Council said Monday that 378 group person been arrested truthful far, and much are expected arsenic angry mobs person attacked mosques and hotels utilized to location asylum-seekers, while stores person been looted.
The violence, which has led to clashes connected nan streets pinch riot police, has drawn counter-protests and volunteers helping to repair nan harm caused to buildings.
The confrontations began aft rumors that nan 17-year-old fishy successful nan Southport onslaught was an asylum-seeker who had precocious arrived successful Britain. However, nan teen, who has since been charged pinch execution and attempted murder, was calved successful nan U.K. to Rwandan parents.